
Preserving biodiversity

The Roquebrune golf course doesn’t cover much ground – between 35 and 40 hectares. Nevertheless, its biodiversity, ecology and nature potential is very rich. The golf course is fortunate to have an environment that lends itself to hosting a rich biodiversity: vineyards, olive groves, pine forests, the Maures massif and the ochre earth typical of the region. The entire team works hard every day to create a site that is both clean and elegant, while letting nature take its course. It’s no coincidence that sheep roam freely around the course and that poppies grow very easily – it’s all part of the Roquebrune Golf Club’s DNA.


Nesting boxes and insect hotels

We firmly believe in preserving biodiversity and the environment. That’s why we’ve launched an exciting in-house creative workshop, where our young golf school members are invited to help create nest boxes and insect hotels. These natural structures will be carefully installed on our course, creating favourable habitats for local wildlife. In addition, our greenkeeper, Florian Maldonado, will be on hand to explain the process and the importance of this initiative. It’s a great opportunity to learn while helping to preserve our environment.

We are confident that these new features will enhance your experience at Roquebrune golf course and help to make each visit even more memorable. We invite you to come and enjoy these new facilities and to participate in our environmental initiatives.

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